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Date - Name, 43 Vokabeln


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Name: Geschichte - Presidents
Erstellt von: Jörg-Michael Grassau
Erstellt am: 11.06.2002
Copyright: wichtiger Copyright-Hinweis zu den Wortschätzen auf vokabeln.de
Inhalt: Presidents of the United States of America
Kategorie: Kapitel (4 Einträge)

Presidents 1789-1850(12 Vokabeln)
First President
George Washington
(George Washington's integrity set a pattern for all other Presidents to follow.)
Second President
John Adams
(John Adams, a shaper of the revolution, saved his Nation from war with France. )
Third President
Thomas Jefferson
(Thomas Jefferson gained the immense Louisiana Territory for the infant Republic. )
Fourth President
James Madison
(James Madison, "Father of the Constitution," led the inconclusive War of 1812. )
Fifth President
James Monroe
(James Monroe declared the Americas no longer subject to European colonization. )
Sixth President
John Quincy Adams
(John Quincy Adams: the only son of a President to serve as President himself.)
Seventh President
Andrew Jackson
(Andrew Jackson, first frontier President, came to office with great popular support.)
Eighth President
Martin Van Buren
(Martin Van Buren was the first Chief Executive born under the United States flag.)
Ninth President
William Henry Harrison
(William Henry Harrison was the first President to die in office.)
Tenth President
John Tyler
(At the end of John Tyler's administration, the United States annexed Texas.)
Eleventh President
James K. Polk
(James K. Polk extended the Nation's boundaries to the shores of the Pacific.)
Twelfth President
Zachary Taylor
(With Zachary Taylor, a career soldier first attained the Presidency.)
Presidents 1850-1901(13 Vokabeln)
Thirteenth President
Millard Fillmore
(Millard Fillmore's conciliatory politics helped postpone the Civil War.)
Fourteenth President
Franklin Pierce
(Under Franklin Pierce, guerrilla raids in Kansas heralded the approach of civil war.)
Fifteenth President
James Buchanan
(James Buchanan groped for compromise as the South advanced toward secession.)
Sixteenth President
Abraham Lincoln
(Abhorring war, Abraham Lincoln accepted it as the only means to save the Union.)
Seventeenth President
Andrew Johnson
(Andrew Johnson faced impeachment for steadfastly opposing Radicals in Congress.)
Eighteenth President
Ulysses S. Grant
(Ulysses S. Grant came to the Presidency a great military hero.)
Nineteenth President
Rutherford B. Hayes
(Rutherford B. Hayes gained the Presidency by a margin of only one electoral vote.)
Twentieth President
James A. Garfield
(James A. Garfield died from an assassin's bullet only six months after he took office.)
Twenty-First President
Chester A. Arthur
(Chester A. Arthur, former machine politician, became a reformer in the Presidency.)
Twenty-Second President
Grover Cleveland
(Grover Cleveland was the only President elected to two nonconsecutive terms.)
Twenty-Third President
Benjamin Harrison
(Of Chief Executives, only Benjamin Harrison was the grandson of a President.)
Twenty-Fourth President
Grover Cleveland
(Grover Cleveland was the only President elected to two nonconsecutive terms.)
Twenty-Fifth President
William McKinley
(Under William McKinley the Nation gained its first overseas possessions.)
Presidents 1901-1953(8 Vokabeln)
Twenty-Sixth President
Theodore Roosevelt
(Theodore Roosevelt, nature lover and conservationist, championed the strenuous life.)
Twenty-Seventh President
William Howard Taft
(William Howard Taft: the only man to become President and then chief justice.)
Twenty-Eighth President
Th. Woodrow Wilson
(Woodrow Wilson tried in vain to bring the United States into the League of Nations.)
Twenty-Ninth President
Warren G. Harding
(Winner by a landslide, Warren G. Harding, friends said, "looked like a President.")
Thirtieth President
Calvin Coolidge
(Laconic New Englander Calvin Coolidge strongly favored frugality in Government. )
Thirty-First President
Herbert C. Hoover
(Herbert Hoover's record of service abroad and at home spanned half a century. )
Thirty-Second President
Franklin D. Roosevelt
(Franklin D. Roosevelt led the Nation through the Great Depression and World War II.)
Thirty-Third President
Harry S. Truman
(For Harry S. Truman, war and cold war posed challenges unprecedented in history.)
Presidents 1953-2001(10 Vokabeln)
Thirty-Fourth President
Dwight D. Eisenhower
(War hero Dwight D. Eisenhower proclaimed the Nation's desire for world peace.)
Thirty-Fifth President
John F. Kennedy
(John F. Kennedy: the youngest man elected President, the youngest to die in office.)
Thirty-Sixth President
Lyndon B. Johnson
(Lyndon B. Johnson worked unceasingly toward a Great Society for the Nation. )
Thirty-Seventh President
Richard M. Nixon
(The Watergate scandal forced Richard M. Nixon to resign the Presidency.)
Thirty-Eighth President
Gerald R. Ford
(Gerald R. Ford set out to restore confidence in the Presidency. )
Thirty-Ninth President
James E. Carter
(Jimmy Carter championed human rights throughout the world.)
Fourtieth President
Ronald W. Reagan
(Ronald Reagan envisioned a smaller Government, a greater America.)
Fourty-First President
George Bush
(George Bush saw hope for an end to the post-World War II division of Europe.)
Fourty-Second President
William J. Clinton
(William Clinton promised a brighter tomorrow and focused on the national economy.)
Fourty-Third President
George W. Bush